Share your creations!

We fr need to do something about it #stopkidsfromgettingintofnia. Just some random hashtag that won’t do anything really but still fr something has to be done

But there is nothing we can really do about the kids in it unless we ban them all but it’s up to the parents because at this point these kids are making people leave because of the crap

This community is pretty much destroyed and all because of the kids who aren’t old enough to be in the community but if I’m being honest it’s kind of the parents fault for not looking at what their kids be on

Moving on

Maxie’s back…

2016 NBD Ink-Blot Minnie

The first version is my FNIA collection is out! i plan to add more stuff to it like savefiles and such, but for as it stands it currently includes: slime6's games, the apk version and the sources codes of them! go take a look!…


(The FNIA Ultimate Archive) coming soon...

So fucking random kid reported the archive because it has a *stolen fnia 4* so now I lost all the apks. Give me a few days and help me retrieved them back and ill reupload it mediafire on some shit. (Gosh I’m so pissed off)
(update: GOT THE APKS)



Welcome to the Cookieslime Games Fandom community! This isn't an official community just so you know. Since @slime6 deleted all of his game. We decided to rebrand our community to be an archive to his games.

Rules: We have them now

Rule 1. Nsfw and gore are not allowed

Rule 2. We no longer allow lazy low effort edits.

Rule 3. No Harassment

Rule 4. Being Horny will get your ass kicked

Rule 5. Do not be an asshole.

Rule 6. You must be 14+ years old.

Rule 7. Ai art is obviously not allowed.

Rule 8. No stealing

Rule 9. No impersonation

rule 10. No politics


Rule 12. No sexualizing minors

Rule 13. No Gacha in the Art Channel.

Rule 14. Have fun!?!?!??????. ಠ_ಠ

Report A community for over 1 year